What is a 3D and 4D Ultrasound? Everything You Need to Know


7 minute read

Hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the very first time… Catching a glimpse of your little one yawn, smile, or suck on their thumb… 

Getting an ultrasound is such a special part of the pregnancy experience! Not to mention a fun way to announce your pregnancy (if you haven’t already!).  

A 2D ultrasound is the gold standard — and will give you the classic black and white ultrasound photos you’re probably familiar with. 

But you may be curious about a 3D or even 4D ultrasound to get a closer look at your baby. These ultrasounds with newer technology are becoming more popular these days — and for lots of reasons! Let’s take a look. 

What is a 3D and 4D Ultrasound? 

All ultrasounds used during pregnancy use sound waves to create an image of your baby in the womb. 

But what’s amazing about a 3D ultrasound is that it goes a step beyond regular 2D ultrasound, taking thousands of 2D pictures of your baby and combining them all together to create a 3D image. 

With a 3D ultrasound, the images created have much more clarity than just a simple black and white photo produced by 2D ultrasounds. In fact, this 3D picture of your little one looks more similar to a real photo where you can see teeny, tiny details of their anatomy. 

These images often look like a sculptural representation of your baby where you can actually visualize their little nose, cute little lips, and individual fingers and toes! 

A 4D ultrasound is really cool as well. It takes a bunch of 3D images and puts them together into a video! This video allows you to see your baby moving around in the womb. You may see them smile, suck their thumb, or even open and close their eyes!

Will You Get a 3D and 4D Ultrasound Through Your Prenatal Care? 

Possibly! Some prenatal care providers — like OB-GYNs — may offer a 3D or 4D ultrasound. But 3D and 4D ultrasounds use special machines that are not available at all providers. 3D and 4D ultrasounds are performed on the same machine so you can get one or the other or even both! 

Most prenatal providers use traditional 2D ultrasounds and may not have 3D and 4D ultrasounds available. Be sure to ask your provider what kind of ultrasounds you will receive throughout your prenatal care. 

Benefits of a 3D and 4D Ultrasound

In most cases, a 2D ultrasound is perfectly fine and will give your provider all the information they need to check on your baby’s growth and development in the womb. 

But a 3D and 4D ultrasounds may benefit your prenatal provider by providing them with clearer imaging of your baby (The March of Dimes). This can be helpful if they want to take a closer look at your baby’s brain, heart or other internal organs or body parts to make sure everything is developing as it should. 

What’s fun about some 3D and 4D ultrasounds is that they may be conducted in a larger exam room. This means that you may be able to invite family and friends to share in this special experience — whereas traditional ultrasounds often only allow you and one other person in the exam room. 

Some 3D and 4D ultrasounds also have larger viewing screens — similar to a home movie theater! This is fun for birthing parents and makes it much easier to see your little one as opposed to some 2D ultrasounds that use small TVs or computer screens to display the ultrasound images. 

Are 3D and 4D Ultrasounds Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes! Like 2D ultrasounds, 3D and 4D ultrasounds are safe for you and your baby during pregnancy. 

All ultrasounds use sound waves to produce images of your baby which are not harmful. There is no radiation involved in these scans — making them much safer for you and your little one compared to other tests like X-rays. 

And according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, there aren’t any links between ultrasound and birth defects, childhood cancer, or developmental problems later in life.

It is important to make sure that 3D and 4D ultrasounds are performed by licensed medical professionals. This will ensure that you get the most accurate information about your baby’s growth. 

When is the Best Time to Get a 3D and 4D Ultrasound? 

Most birthing people will get an ultrasound around the halfway point during pregnancy. This typically falls around the beginning of your second trimester around 18-22 weeks of pregnancy. 

Whether you get a 2D, 3D or 4D ultrasound, this test will allow your provider to check on your baby’s growth, the position of your placenta and baby’s umbilical cord, the health of your uterus and ovaries, and amniotic fluid levels. This ultrasound can also tell you the sex of your baby — but you can also ask the ultrasound technician to keep this a surprise if you choose! 

Most birthing parents get at least one ultrasound throughout their pregnancy. But if you want to minimize the number of ultrasounds you receive during pregnancy, you may only need one ultrasound around 20 weeks to check on the health of your baby. 

It’s also normal to get an ultrasound earlier in pregnancy — before 14 weeks of pregnancy. Or you may get ultrasounds as you get further along in your pregnancy as well. These later ultrasounds may be helpful to track your baby’s growth if your provider has any concerns about their development. 

Ultimately it’s best to talk to your provider about the number of ultrasounds you need and the best time to get an ultrasound during your pregnancy.  

What to Expect During a 3D and 4D Ultrasound 

The process of a 3D and 4D ultrasound is very similar to what you would experience during a 2D ultrasound. 

For the ultrasound, you’ll lie on your back on an exam table and the ultrasound technician will cover your belly with a thin layer of gel. The technician will use a “transducer” wand to conduct the test. They will place the wand on your belly, moving it back and forth to capture the images for the ultrasound. 

You will be able to see the images of your baby in real time as the technician performs the test — usually on a TV screen or computer monitor. 

The ultrasound may take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour to complete. 

You may be asked to arrive at the ultrasound with a full bladder as this can help produce better images during the test. 

Getting an ultrasound is usually painless — although you may experience some discomfort from having a full bladder. It can also be uncomfortable if the technician needs to push down on your belly a little bit to capture a certain angle of your baby’s position. 

What You Get to Take Home from a 3D and 4D Ultrasound

3D and 4D ultrasounds come with some special keepsakes that you get to take home with you! 

You can expect some cute 3D pictures of your little one — most technicians will provide you with at least 10-15 printed images. It may be possible to get these images on a USB that you can digitally share with family and friends! 

With a 4D ultrasound, you may receive a short video clip of your baby. This clip may be anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. 

Are 3D and 4D Ultrasounds Worth it? 

The decision to get a 3D or 4D ultrasound is a completely personal one! You may want this type of ultrasound to get a closer look at your little one or to give you peace of mind about their development. 

Your prenatal provider may recommend getting a 3D or 4D ultrasound if they want to check on certain aspects of your baby’s growth. This type of ultrasound may give your doctor important information that can help you make important decisions about your prenatal care and birth plan. 

In most cases a 2D ultrasound is perfectly fine for checking on your baby’s health during your pregnancy. But it’s a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider to help you determine what type of ultrasound is right for you. 

What Does a 3D and 4D Ultrasound Cost? 

Your physician may be able to perform a 3D or 4D ultrasound in their office or they can refer you to another licensed medical professional that is certified to perform ultrasounds… These ultrasounds may cost $1,000 or more. 

Some private companies can offer 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasounds at a more affordable cost. These private sessions may cost anywhere from $100 up to several hundred dollars. 

There are lots of options when it comes to 3D and 4D ultrasounds. It’s important to ask about the cost beforehand so that you’re prepared to cover any out-of-pocket expense! 

Does Insurance Cover a 3D and 4D Ultrasound? 

Your insurance may cover some or all of a 3D or 4D ultrasound depending on your insurance coverage and plan. It’s important to ask your provider and insurance how much you can expect to pay for a 3D or 4D ultrasound before heading into this exam. This will ensure you don’t have any surprise payments that you have to take care of out of pocket.  

Private ultrasounds at stand-alone clinics or luxury boutiques are not usually covered by insurance.

Where to Get a 3D and 4D Ultrasound

Ask your provider if they offer 3D and 4D ultrasounds — you may be able to schedule one or both of these exams as part of your regular prenatal care. 

But if their office doesn’t have the equipment for these types of ultrasounds, they may be able to offer recommendations of other clinics that perform these tests. 

If you’re looking to schedule a private 3D or 4D ultrasound, here are three wonderful options in the San Diego/Vista area.

The Perfect Keepsake for Your 3D Ultrasound Images

Keep those precious first pictures of your little one safe and sound in a special memory book! We love THIS one from Lucy Darling along with the My Family, My Journey memory book. 

You’ll love looking back and remembering the special moments when you first saw your little one! 

Boutique Website: https://babies-in-bloom.myshopify.com/ 

Boutique Address: 127 Main Street, Vista, CA 92084

Boutique Hours: Monday – Saturday: 9 am – 4 pm (We are closed on Sunday!)

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