Here’s How to Make Eating Out With Kids a Breeze


7 minute read

As a busy parent, enjoying a meal at your favorite restaurant is a great way to get a break from cooking and a fun way to get out of the house! 

But, eating out may be a little different when you have little ones in tow. 

Unlike a typical date night, you may not get to sit down for 100% of the time you’re at the restaurant…or get to have an uninterrupted conversation with your partner…

Food may wind up on the floor…and there’s the possibility of a meltdown or two,,,

But, eating out with kiddos doesn’t have to be stressful. 

In fact, with a little planning, eating out with your children can be fun and exciting, and maybe even create some of your favorite memories! 

Whether you’re popping into your favorite neighborhood restaurant or trying out a new food truck, these tips will help set you and your partner up for success so that eating out with your little ones is a breeze. 

Choose a Kid-Friendly Restaurant

When it comes to eating out with little ones, picking the perfect place is key! 

To find a kid-friendly restaurant, look for elements that will make the experience enjoyable for your whole family. 

Aside from family-friendly hours and atmosphere, this could look like having ample parking, a playground, play area, or space for little ones to run around. 

You may want a restaurant that’s larger with more space to maneuver around — especially if you have a car seat or stroller that might not make it between tight tables. 

Check out the restaurant’s menu to see if the meals look inviting to your little one’s tastes. Do they have simple appetizers or a range of side dish options? Is there a kids menu with healthy items available? 

You’ll also want to make sure they have high chairs or booster seats on hand if you need them.

Eat Out at a Kid-Friendly Time (Hint: Eat Early!)

Image from FreePik

An overtired little one can quickly upend your plans for a special meal together.

That’s why it’s important to consider your child’s sleeping schedule when choosing a time to go out to eat as a family. 

If your little one needs to start winding down for bed at 6 p.m. that means you should probably be home before then! 

Many amazing restaurants open early for dinnertime service. And while it may feel a little different to eat dinner at 5 p.m. or even 4 p.m, taking your little one’s schedule into consideration will ensure that no one gets overtired and that everyone has a great time! 

This goes for naptimes too! Try to avoid eating out during your child’s nap – unless you have a pro sleeper that can snooze away in the car seat or their favorite stroller while on the go. 

Don’t Wait to Eat (Even at Kid Friendly Restaurants)

Our little ones are learning how to be patient…and eating out at a restaurant can be challenging, especially if there’s a lot of wait time involved. 

Whether it’s waiting for a table to become available, standing in line to order your food, anticipating your food’s arrival, or trying to flag down the waiter for the check…

Asking your child to wait — especially for their food!  — can be a tall order. 

Before you even head to the restaurant, imagine what the whole experience will be like, from parking, getting a table, ordering, enjoying the meal, and wrapping up to head home. 

Plan ahead of time to reduce the wait time for your little one as much as possible. This could look like: 

  • Eating early or at a child-friendly restaurant. 
  • You or your partner waits for a table while the rest of the family plays outside until it’s time to sit down. 
  • Eating at a restaurant where you order at the counter. Or better yet, opt for made-to-order bowls, burritos, smoothies, or salads. Or pizza by the slice that’s all ready to go. 
  • Order an appetizer to squash your little’s hunger right away. 
  • If you order off the kid’s menu, ask for their meal to be brought right away (instead of with the rest of the entrees). 
  • Ask for the check when you receive your food so that you can head out whenever your family is ready. 

And remember, these tips aren’t about speeding through the whole process. But by eliminating wait times for your littles you’ll create more time for enjoying your time out together as a family! 

Bring Special Activities to Keep Littles Entertained

Is it just us, or do our toddlers and young kiddos get extra wiggly when we’re at a restaurant? 

That’s why it is helpful to arrive at a restaurant prepared with a few activities to keep your children entertained. 

Think about your child’s favorite activities or favorite toys…consider keeping 3-5 of these items tucked away in your diaper bag so that your little ones are surprised during your outing! 

Your diaper bag or purse will get full fast, so choose travel friendly options that are small and easy to pack. 

We love these fun activities for kids on the go: 

See more of our favorite travel toys in the Babies in Bloom boutique

Restaurant-Friendly Snacks to Have on Hand for Picky Eaters

Photo of GoBe Snack Spinners

There’s nothing worse than feeling a rumbly in your tummy and having an extra-long wait time at a restaurant. To avoid unwanted meltdowns or temper tantrums, we recommend bringing a few handy snacks with you on the go. 

While it may feel a little uncomfortable to bring out your own snacks at the dinner table, most restaurants will accommodate your needs (especially if it means keeping your little ones happy!). 

Snacks are helpful for picky eaters, but they’re also great to have on hand in general! They can help your children have a little something to munch on while they wait for their food to arrive. Familiar snacks can also be helpful if you’re introducing your kiddos to new foods. Or if your little one didn’t quite get full from their meal.  

Some of our favorite snacks to take with you to restaurants are: 

  • Easy to eat sliced fruit like apple slices or orange slices 
  • Slices of your child’s favorite cheese
  • Your child’s favorite crackers

Here are some handy containers to help keep your snacks organized (and to prevent any unwanted spills in your diaper bag!): 

Giving your child a snack can also help keep your child busy if none of the activities you brought seem to peak their interest. Most likely your child will be more calm and happy once they have a little something in their belly!

Our Go-To Mealtime Gear Favorites 

Photo of Bumkins Reusable Snack Bags

Many restaurants are amazing at accommodating your little one’s needs — from straw cups, to placemats and paper tablecloths.

But if you’re not sure what to expect, it can be helpful to bring a few items from home to make mealtime super smooth. 

For babies and toddlers that are starting to eat solid foods, considering bringing: 

Older toddlers and young kiddos may not need as much from home. But it can still be nice to have familiar forks and spoons if they’re still mastering their use of flatware. (We love these Loulou LOLLIPOP Chopsticks if you have an excuse to use them!) 

And it can be helpful to bring your child’s favorite cup — especially if you want to avoid any unwanted spills. 

Pro Tip: Pack some extra Terra Bamboo Baby Wipes for easy clean up!

How to Take Kids to the Bathroom at a Restaurant

You may want to avoid public bathrooms altogether. If that’s the case, offer your children a bathroom break right before you head out the door to go to the restaurant. Or opt to change your little one’s diaper in the car.

But sometimes, when you gotta go, you gotta go! 

You may want to be prepared with a little “go bag” to make restroom visits as painless as possible. 

For babies, you’ll want to have: 

  • A changing pad
  • A diaper (maybe two just in case!) 
  • Wipes (we love Terra Bamboo Baby Wipes)
  • An extra set of clothes
  • A clip-on pacifier, teether, or clutch toy to keep your baby happy and entertained

Stash all your diapering items in your favorite diaper bag. That way you can take your bag with you into the restroom (most bathrooms have a hook where you can hang it). Or you can easily grab what you need. 

For toddlers and older kiddos, you may want to have the essentials on hand like a folding travel potty seat, toilet seat covers, and wipes. 

Hand sanitizer is also a great item to always have with you for bathroom visits or simply to make sure your kiddos hands are clean before or after dinner. 

How to Enjoy Your Meal While Eating Out With Kiddos

Food all over the table, the chair, and the floor… Puddles of water all over the place… Boisterous laughter, tons of silliness… Maybe a small meltdown or two… 

Eating out with kids can be an adventure! And things may not always go as planned. 

But that’s ok! 

By setting your expectations for your outing you’ll be able to be flexible and embrace the unexpected. 

Even if the meal seems like a disaster, you’ll learn from this experience and hopefully be a little more equipped for next time. It may feel hard at first, but each time you go out with your family, it’ll get a little easier, we promise! 

And remember, eating out as a family are wonderful experiences for your children. They are learning many important life lessons and skills like table manners, how to wait patiently, social  and conversational skills,,,and so much more! 

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