Forget All The “New Year, New You” Promises…


Just be you in 2017.  And love YOU. Because you are fabulous, just as you are.

Sorry to go all Bridget Jones on you there and quote Mark Darcy, but maybe you needed to hear that.

2016 threw a lot at us – there’s no denying it was a hard year. But ask yourself this, how hard were you on yourself?

Because we (parents) are really good at that aren’t we? Beating ourselves up. Doubting ourselves. Comparing ourselves. Guilt-tripping ourselves…over and over again.

So this year, instead of aiming for an all new ‘better’ you, how about promising to be a little kinder to the now you?

We’re not saying don’t be ambitious in 2017 – by all means set goals. We’re saying be unashamedly and unapologetically realistic.

As parents, we already have our hands full day to day, so when it comes to new year goals,  don’t set yourself up for failure by over promising. If you do, chances are, in less than three weeks, you will find yourself right back where you started – with added guilt, self-doubt and a big ol’ dollop of defeat.

When it comes to resolutions, maybe 2017 is the year where you will start saying ‘I will NOT’ instead of ‘I will‘? And best of all, feel good about saying it:

Like, I will NOT take on any more in 2017.  If you already feel overwhelmed, it’s ok to say no to the dealer. There is no shame in sticking with your current hand – it can still be a winner. You might want to drop a dress size or two, take on a new language, or simply find the time to do lots more crafting with the kids – but first, make sure you feel comfortable with what is already on your plate – or else all those other new spinning plates will come tumbling down like a circus act.

I will NOT feel guilty if I don’t get everything ticked off my list. Instead of focusing on what you don’t achieve, focus on what you do achieve each day – and give yourself a pat on the back. Remember to always leave some wiggle room in your ‘to do’ list – being flexible is good for the soul.

And last but not least, our favorite, I will NOT forget about myself in 2017. Say it. Now repeat it. Be selfish every now and then and take time for yourself, be it a book, a bath, a spa, or even a whole weekend away. There is no greater investment than an investment in yourself- a recharged you makes a happier you, a happier parent and a happier year!

So c’mon, 2017! We’re ready for you. Just as we are.


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